
Another important aspect of the research environment at the BDL is outreach. We have a commitment to and passion for sharing our research, and science in general, with the public. We frequently give classroom presentations about the brain and our research to students at all levels: elementary school, middle school, high school, and university. In addition, we host class field trips to our lab and to the Lewis Center for Neuroimaging, our fMRI facility. We have also developed many child-friendly, hands-on, interactive demonstration activities about the brain and brain research; we offer these activities at local science-themed gatherings and science museums. For more information, see Link to Outreach Programs.


One of our outreach activities includes the organization and coordination of events to promote neuroscience, Brain Awareness Week, which occurs annually in March. We coordinate the presentation of various aspects of brain research to the community and also host the Jog Your Brain 5K and Fun Run to promote exercise and brain awareness. For more information, see Link to Brain Awareness.


Another aspect of our outreach activities is the organization and hosting of an annual Psychology/Neuroscience camp, which is part of the Summer Academy to Inspire Learning. For more information, see Link to SAIL.

SAIL students

Finally, we wrote and produced an educational, not-for-profit DVD for parents, educators, and policymakers. This DVD, which presents evidence-based information about the effects of experience on the development of different brain systems, is entitled Changing Brains and can be viewed free of charge or ordered at changingbrains.org.
