Lab Director Emerita
Brain Development Lab, University of Oregon
Ph.D. Cornell University (Neuropsychology)
M.A. Simon Fraser University (Psychology)
B.A. University of British Columbia (Psychology)
Email: neville@uoregon.edu
- Please direct lab business can to Acting Director, Eric Pakulak.
Research Interests:
See Research
Professional Service
2016 – present Professor Emerita
1999-2016 | Member, Executive Committee, Brain, Biology & Machine Initiative, University of Oregon |
1999-2016 | Director, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Oregon |
1995-2016 | Professor, Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Oregon |
1995-2016 | Director, Brain Development Lab, Psychology Dept., University of Oregon |
Selected Honors and Awards
2014 | National Academy of Sciences |
2013 | Distinguished Cognitive Scientist Award, UC Merced |
2013 | RHSU Edu-Scholar Presence Rankings for 2012 |
2012 | William James Fellow Award, Assoc. for Psychological Science |
2012 | Honorary Degree, Georgetown University |
2012 | Hebb Ledcturer, Georgetown University |
2011 | Keynote Address, International Mind, Brain, and Education Society |
2011 | Recipient, Fondation Ipsen Neuronal Plasticity Prize |
2008 | Distinguished Lecturer, University of Toronto |
2007 | Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
2007 | Invited Address, Society for Research in Child Development |
2007 | Landsdowne Lecturer, University of Victoria |
2005 | Keynote Addresses: Cognitive Development Society Biennial Meeting and Emory Cognition Project Conference on Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience |
2004 | Particiipant, Mind & Life Institute XII meeting with the Dalai Lama, Dharamsala, India |
2003 | Keynote Speaker, Symosium for Queen’s 60th Birthday, “The Children in Her Majesty’s Crown”, Stockholm |
2002-present | Recipient, Robert and Beverly Lewis Endowed Chair |
2001-present | Member, Society of Experimental Psychologists |
2001 | Fellow, The American Psychological Society |
2000 | Recipient, Justine and Yves Sergent Award, Montreal, Canada |
1999-2003 | Distinguished Lecturer: Florida State University, Duke University, University of Maryland, University of Washington, and University of Texas, Health Science Center, Houston |
1998-present | Panel Chair, Sackler Institute for Human Brain Development |
1998-present | Assoc. Editor, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience |
1998 | Invited address, Society for Neuroscience |
1998 | Member, National Science Foundation Workshop on Cognitive Neuroscience |
1998 | Sprague Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania |
1996-present | Member, Board of Governors, Cognitive Neuroscience Society |
1993-1997 | Claude Pepper Award |
Recent Grants
2013-2018 | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, (90YR0076-01-00), Principal Investigator, Broader Implementation of a Successful Dual-Generation Intervention in Partnership with Head Start. |
2011-2015 | U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, (NCER R305A110398), Principal Investigator. Training Attention in At-Risk Preschoolers: Expansion of our Successful Program to a Wider Population Within Head Start. |
2011-2014 | U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences (NCER R305A110397), Principal Investigator. Longitudinal Follow-up of Successful Parent-Child Intervention in Pre-school Children At Risk for School Failure. |
Short Biography
Helen Neville uses psychophysical, electrophysiological (ERP), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques to study the development and plasticity of the human brain. Over the course of this research, her lab has observed that different brain systems and related functions display markedly different degrees or ‘profiles’ of neuroplasticity. Guided by these findings, she is conducting a program of research on the effects of different types of training on brain development and cognition on typically developing children and parents living in poverty. These studies will contribute to a basic understanding of the nature and mechanisms of human brain plasticity, as well as contribute to the design and implementation of educational programs especially those that close the inequality between lower and higher socioeconomic status.
Neville has published in many books and journals including Nature, Nature Neuroscience, Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex, and Brain Research. She has received numerous honors including election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fondation Ipsen Neuronal Plasticity Prize, Transforming Education through Neuroscience Award (IMBES), Hebb Lecturer, Dalhousie University, Honorary Degree, Georgetown University, William James Fellow Award (APS) and the National Academy of Science Award. She is a member of the Board of Governors of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, the Academic Panel of Birth to Three, and is active in many educational outreach programs. Her DVD on brain development and neuroplasticity for non-brain scientists: changingbrains.org.
Click here for the list of Publications.